Energiansaanti kestävyysurheilussa – mitä, milloin ja kuinka paljon? - FuturePeaks

Energy intake in endurance sports – what, when and how much?

In endurance sports such as cycling, triathlons and ultrarunning, efficient management of energy stores is crucial for performance and endurance. Properly timed and appropriately sized energy intake can help avoid "hitting the wall" or "booming" and keep performance consistent from start to finish.

How much energy is needed?

The body's primary source of energy during long-term exercise is carbohydrates, which are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. However, during long-term exercise, these stores are depleted, requiring supplemental energy.

Studies show that the amount of carbohydrates consumed during exercise should be proportional to the duration:

  • Performances under 2 hours : 30-60 g of carbohydrate per hour is enough to maintain performance.
  • 2-3 hour workouts : 60-90 g of carbohydrates per hour enhances endurance and delays fatigue.
  • Over 3 hours and ultra races : 90-120g of carbohydrate per hour can improve performance if the digestive system can handle it. In this case, combining multiple carbohydrate sources (e.g. glucose and fructose) is recommended to optimize absorption.

How should energy be consumed?

Energy intake can be based on a single source or a combination of drinks, gels and solid energy sources. A good drinking strategy helps manage both fluid balance and carbohydrate intake.

One practical solution is Tailwind Nutrition endurance fuel , which provides an optimally absorbable blend of glucose and fructose along with hydration. The advantage of Tailwind is that it is easy on the stomach and often sufficient as a sole source of energy without the need for gels or solid food.

Energy intake recommendations for different lengths of exercise

Duration Energy intake Recommended products
2 hours 30-60 g carbohydrate/hour Tailwind Endurance Fuel (1-2 servings/hour)
3 hours 60-90 g carbohydrate/hour Tailwind + possible additional gel or candy
4-6 hours 90-120 g carbohydrate/hour Tailwind + possible energy bars/gels/candy
6+ hours (ultra) 90-120 g carbohydrate/hour + possible solid food Tailwind + possible gels/candy and salty snacks like nuts or chips

Fluid balance and electrolytes

In addition to energy, it is important to take care of hydration and electrolyte intake. The amount of sweat and weather conditions have a big impact on the need, but a good rule of thumb is to drink 4-8 ​​dl of fluid per hour and ensure that the electrolyte balance is maintained. Tailwind also contains the appropriate amount of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which helps prevent muscle cramps and salt imbalances during exercise.


Optimal energy intake is individual, but the following basic principles will help:

Start your energy intake early. Enjoy energy from the start on long runs. Don't wait until you're tired.
Use easily absorbed carbohydrates , such as Tailwind, to keep your energy levels steady.
Combine different carbohydrate sources , especially for workouts longer than 3 hours.
Remember to hydrate and replenish electrolytes according to the amount of sweating.
Test your energy strategy in training before competitions.

With the right strategy, endurance sports are not only more effective but also more enjoyable – without running out of energy mid-exercise!

Next, we will publish sample plans for the NUTS Karhunkierros 55km route on the blog. So stay tuned!

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